Wellbeing, Happiness and Engagement

Discover our holistic approach to employee engagement, wellbeing, and happiness. Explore strategies that elevate both productivity and satisfaction, ensuring a thriving and empowered workforce.

Boost Workplace Wellbeing, Happiness and Engagement

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The Vital Metrics of Workplace Wellbeing and Engagement

Employee wellbeing matters now, more than ever before.
Some Facts to Consider:


of leaders globally noted their stress levels have increased significantly


of employees say they feel comfortable talking to their manager about their mental health


of employees expect more mental health support from their employer


of organisations do not have a designated strategy and budget for health and wellness 

As Seen On

All the media mentions talking about our innovative and progressive talent solutions.

The Talent Enterprise survey highlights the complexities of employee wellbeing in an era of the ‘new normal’

Struggling with ‘digital debt’ at work? Here’s how AI can help
Measuring talent using the science of behaviour metrics

The Talent Enterprise, a Global Assessment Company Expands in India

According to Talent Enterprise, this multi-modal approach can help employers


Workplace Wellbeing & Happiness

Engagement, happiness, and wellbeing are the pillars of a thriving workplace; they are not just trendy buzzwords. Employees that are emotionally invested in their jobs are more productive and help create a favourable environment. You may build a vibrant workplace culture by combining this with a sense of satisfaction, where people feel respected, supported, and enjoy their work.

Wellbeing, a holistic strategy that considers physical, mental, and emotional health, is another factor in this equation. Employees work better and contribute to a harmonious, well-run organisation when they feel cognitively strong, emotionally safe, and physically well.

At The Talent Enterprise, our approach to wellbeing has been based on over 10+ years of research in the areas of subjective wellbeing, positive health, positive psychology and employee engagement. Element X™ provides the most comprehensive approach to understanding and measuring wellbeing.

  Let's Talk

Reach out to us. We’re here to work together on your organisational wellbeing goals to achieve growth and excellence.

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