Well-being: A Paramount Concern in the Modern Corporate Landscape

A company’s structure, system, and strategy are said to be its very foundations, according to historical business principles. These traditional engagement approaches have long been the standard because they are firmly founded in organisational drivers. But just as the nature of the company is changing, so too must our strategies for employee engagement.

The Personal Psyche: A New Approach to Engagement

Perhaps a little surprisingly, current research indicates that a whopping 40% of engagement variation is strongly correlated with a person’s mentality and natural talents. While institutional support is still important, there is growing recognition of the importance of individual wellness in contemporary corporate settings.

Taking on the Hard Truths of Well-Being

Take a look at these fairly telling statistics:

-A frightening 54% of global executives admitted to experiencing a considerable increase in stress, with 40% citing a greater workload. (Harvard Business Publishing and The Talent Enterprise, 2020)

-Only 30% of employees (McKinsey, 2020) feel sufficiently at ease discussing their mental health with their bosses.

-67% of workers feel partially cut off from their coworkers as a result of the abrupt switch from typical office settings to remote working. In addition, 56% of respondents (Royal Society for Public Health, UK 2020) said it was difficult to distinguish between work and leisure when they were at home.

-A significant 69% of the workforce expects their companies to increase the provisions for mental health. However, there is a glaring gap since 70% of businesses acknowledge that they do not have a specific health and well-being plan or budget (Aon, 2020).

The World Economic Forum’s advice

The World Economic Forum (2021) has made it very clear what it believes: wellness is a practical, essential ability, not just an abstract idea. It is crucial that it be viewed as a fundamental corporate resource and a result deserving of measuring by numbers. Organisations have a responsibility to seamlessly incorporate well-being into their values. Simple talk about well-being won’t cut it; you need concrete activities that emphasise that workers’ needs come before ever-increasing work demands.

A balanced diet, frequent exercise, and getting enough restorative sleep are just a few examples of healthy behaviours that many people may undertake in their pursuit of well-being. Others might use it to initiate digital detoxes, practise mindfulness, or forge closer connections with their neighbours.

Final Thoughts: Giving attention to wellbeing as a leadership virtue

The current state of the world affords us a rare opportunity to reinvent the business handbook and put well-being at its core. Unquestionably, the techniques advocated today that focus on the welfare of employees will mould our leadership abilities in the near future. The road forward has been made clear by the World Economic Forum. It is imperative that businesses across the board hear the call and create a more forgiving, sympathetic, and successful corporate world.

Visit us to learn more about how The Talent Enterprise provides a structured approach to enhance your team’s well-being and happiness. 


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